Legal Entities Registration

  /   Legal Entities Registration

This form is for legal entities only!

For individual registrations use the forms on the pages of each course!



  1. You may select multiple courses from their box using Ctrl + Left Mouse Click;
  2. Fill in the required data in the mandatory fields as detailed and correctly as possible! We will subsequently verify the veracity of data included in request;
  3. Add a note for the documents you attach: scanned documents, employee lists specifying the courses you want to enroll in etc.
  4. We work continuously to ensure our clients the confidentiality and security of data sent to us;
  5. If you consider it is not safe to transmit company’s data through the form, you may contact us directly by phone or at the address displayed on the contact page.

    * Select courses you want to register employees. You must choose at least one course!

    Upload docs (supported formats: jpg, jpeg, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, pdf). All attached documents should not exceed 1.5 Mb!